Donnerstag, 8. April 2010


Doctor: "I am sorry but I cannot find anything! It must be due to the alcohol!"
Patient: "Well, I will be back when you are sober again!"

2 proud dog owners converse with each other...
"My dog is so smart; he can even read the newspaper!"
"I know! My dog has already told me!"

Are the Scots really stingy? Let’s find out by watching how Scotsmen are behaving in the mountains...
A Scottish married couple is on a mountain tour in the Alps. Suddenly, both of them slip and fall into a crevasse. They are both screaming for help! A friendly native hears them screaming and so he calls the mountain rescue service immediately. After a while, some men are coming towards the crevasse and shout downwards: "Hello! This is the Red Cross! Can you here me?"
Thereupon, the Scotsmen shouts back: "We won’t donate anything!"

3 Kommentare:

  1. Was heißt bitte donate? Ich kenn das nur als rundes Kuchenstück!

  2. donate ist spenden

    ich glaub der Patient hat getrunken und der Dr. meint, die Beschwerden müssten durch den Alk. kommen, weil er nichts findet...zu Weihnachten kriegst du ein Englisch Wörterbuch ;-)

  3. Neeee, bitte nicht, ham wa hier schon , aber mit spenden versteh ich den Witz doch schon besser!!
